Travel Cloud
Travel Cloud
4 Nights MAKKAH 5* - B.B. + 3 Nights MADINAH 5* - B.B.
から 1.210 €

4 Nights MAKKAH 5* - B.B. + 3 Nights MADINAH 5* - B.B.

作成した: 2023年1月10日火曜日 - 出発: 2023年1月21日土曜日
参照 ID: 4190454
合計金額 から 2.421 €
作成した: 2023年1月10日火曜日 - 出発: 2023年1月21日土曜日
行き先: Mecca, サウジアラビア , マディーナ, サウジアラビア


21 1月
Haramain High Speed Railway - ... 05101
10:35 - Jeddah, King Abdulaziz Intl
11:29 - Makkah City Center
54メートル 25 KG ノンストップ
キャビンクラス: Economy
  • Customers are responsible for ensuring they hold a valid ticket applicable for their entire journey for the day, time, train, route and class mentioned in the ticket, before boarding the train.
  • Customers must bring the valid ticket to travel and a personal identification document when traveling which will be presented at the request of the Train staff.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to travel unless accompanied by an adult and shall always travel with a valid ticket.
  • For children under 2 years of age, they hold a valid ticket without seat assigned as they shall always travel with an adult and shall occupy the same seat as the adult.
  • All tickets are non-transferable, and can only be used by the named person on the ticket.
  • The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • The boarding gates will close 10 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • Customers must sit in the coach and seat number allocated to them on their ticket through their entire journey.
  • Baggage will not be permitted on board trains without a travelling customer.
  • Lost, forgotten or abandoned property and all those items of unknown origin which are found on-board the trains or at any railway facility, will be kept for a maximum period of 2 months.
  • It is strictly prohibited to smoke in all station facilities and inside the train coaches. Failure to comply can lead to penalties.
  • Customer’s dress code on board trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA.
  • Transporting animals is not permitted.

21 1月
1. Mecca
行き先について: サウジアラビア西部に位置するメッカまたはメッカは、イスラムで最も神聖な都市です。毎年何百万もの巡礼者がメッカに集まります。その結果、巡礼者の収容、そしてモスク自体への拡張に応えるためにたくさんの建設がありました。非イスラム教徒は聖地に入ることを許可されていません。 メッカはまた、中世初期から神聖と見なされてきた非常に古い街であるため、非常に豊かな歴史を持っています。メッカの市内中心部には、イスラム教で最も神聖な場所と考えられている神聖なモスクがあります。 Kaabaは神聖なモスクの中心部にあり、すべてのイスラム教徒はKaabaの方向に祈り、元々Adamによって建てられ、Abrahamと彼の息子Ishmaelによって再建されたと考えられています。メッカで見るべき他の主要な場所はミナ、Arafatの丘とJabal Rahma、洞窟Jabal Al ThurとMasjid e Taneem Mosqueです。 間違いなく、メッカは地球上で最も霊的な場所の1つです。
21 1月
宿泊 施設
4 夜
25 1月
Haramain High Speed Railway - ...01120
12:00 - Makkah City Center
14:20 - Madinah, Madinah City Center
2時間 20メートル 25 KG ノンストップ
キャビンクラス: Economy
  • Customers are responsible for ensuring they hold a valid ticket applicable for their entire journey for the day, time, train, route and class mentioned in the ticket, before boarding the train.
  • Customers must bring the valid ticket to travel and a personal identification document when traveling which will be presented at the request of the Train staff.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to travel unless accompanied by an adult and shall always travel with a valid ticket.
  • For children under 2 years of age, they hold a valid ticket without seat assigned as they shall always travel with an adult and shall occupy the same seat as the adult.
  • All tickets are non-transferable, and can only be used by the named person on the ticket.
  • The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • The boarding gates will close 10 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • Customers must sit in the coach and seat number allocated to them on their ticket through their entire journey.
  • Baggage will not be permitted on board trains without a travelling customer.
  • Lost, forgotten or abandoned property and all those items of unknown origin which are found on-board the trains or at any railway facility, will be kept for a maximum period of 2 months.
  • It is strictly prohibited to smoke in all station facilities and inside the train coaches. Failure to comply can lead to penalties.
  • Customer’s dress code on board trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA.
  • Transporting animals is not permitted.

25 1月
2. マディーナ
行き先について: メディナはメッカの北にある都市であり、イスラム教の2番目に聖なる都市です。平和と静けさの街。ここには、多くの歴史的および考古学的な遺跡と、いくつかのイスラムの歴史的な戦いの遺跡があります。マディーナは文化、遺産、美術館が豊富です。広大な日付のプランテーションと古代の伝統的な市場(スーク)、そして近代的なショッピングモールやアーケードがこの街にたくさんあります。ヤンブーには、日光が海の下の珊瑚礁を愛撫する、独特でめったに見られない風景の絵のように美しいビーチがいくつかあります。それは世界中の他の都市と競争する創造性の都市です。マダインサーレは、アルマディーナ県にあるユネスコの世界遺産のイスラム以前の遺跡です。アル・ヒジルとも呼ばれます。このエリアに入ると、広大な風景の中で相互接続された山々と別々の岩の崖に囲まれていることに気付くでしょう。マダインサレハは、ヨルダンのペトラに続くナバテア人の首都であり、重要な都市でした。
25 1月
宿泊 施設
3 夜
28 1月
Haramain High Speed Railway - ...07151
15:00 - Madinah, Madinah City Center
16:54 - Jeddah, King Abdulaziz Intl
1時間 54メートル 25 KG ノンストップ
キャビンクラス: Economy
  • Customers are responsible for ensuring they hold a valid ticket applicable for their entire journey for the day, time, train, route and class mentioned in the ticket, before boarding the train.
  • Customers must bring the valid ticket to travel and a personal identification document when traveling which will be presented at the request of the Train staff.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to travel unless accompanied by an adult and shall always travel with a valid ticket.
  • For children under 2 years of age, they hold a valid ticket without seat assigned as they shall always travel with an adult and shall occupy the same seat as the adult.
  • All tickets are non-transferable, and can only be used by the named person on the ticket.
  • The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • The boarding gates will close 10 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • Customers must sit in the coach and seat number allocated to them on their ticket through their entire journey.
  • Baggage will not be permitted on board trains without a travelling customer.
  • Lost, forgotten or abandoned property and all those items of unknown origin which are found on-board the trains or at any railway facility, will be kept for a maximum period of 2 months.
  • It is strictly prohibited to smoke in all station facilities and inside the train coaches. Failure to comply can lead to penalties.
  • Customer’s dress code on board trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA.
  • Transporting animals is not permitted.

合計金額 から 2.421 €
行き先 2
輸送 3
宿泊施設 2
お 問い合わせ