DÍA 01 - DUBAI Recepción a la llegada al aeropuerto y traslado al hotel. Resto del día libre. Alojamiento.
DIA 02 - DUBAI / SAFARI EN EL DESIERTO CON CENA (D/C)Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Mañana libre, por la tarde a las 15:30 Encuentro en el lobby con el chofer del safari para salir al Safari por el desierto con cena BBQ), (4WD). Iniciemos la marcha en medio del sereno desierto arábico para experimentar la auténtica vida del beduino. Con el tacto, el gusto, la respiración y el olor del verdadero espíritu árabe del desierto: Esquiar por las dunas en los jeeps de camino al campamento del desierto Suntuosa cena y shi-sha (cachimba), Danza del vientre, paseo en camello, tatuajes de henna, la cetrería y mucho más. Regreso al hotel. Alojamiento
DIA 03 - DUBAI ANTIGUO / CRUCERO DHOW CON CENA (D/C) Desayuno buffet en el hotel. A las 08:30 la salida a la visita del Dubái antiguo; Su itinerario le llevará al Burj Al Arab; el hotel más lujoso del mundo, tendrá la oportunidad de poder parar para sacar fotos. A continuación, el recorrido le llevará a las magníficas vistas de la ensenada de Dubái Creek, pasando por el área del patrimonio de Bastakiya y sus fascinantes casas antiguas con características torres de viento construidas por ricos mercaderes. Luego subirán a bordo de un barco tradicional Abra para atravesar la ensenada y visitar el mercado de especias y el zoco de oro. Por la noche una cena en el crucero Dhow; Es una cena romántica que enseña Dubái iluminada por la noche con unos ritmos de música. Este barco tradicional se utilizaba hasta los años 70 del siglo pasado, para transportar las mercancías desde los países vecinos a los Emiratos. Navegando por el Creek de Dubái, se puede disfrutar de las espectaculares vistas de los grandes edificios iluminados. Alojamiento.
Desayuno en el hotel. A las 8:30 salida a la visita. Comenzará la visita en el edificio más alto del mundo, el Burj Khalifa, situado justo al lado del centro comercial The Dubái. Uno de los centros comerciales más grandes del mundo. A continuación, le conducirán hasta la marina de Dubái que ofrece un entorno exclusivo para los residentes, el ocio, y los negocios; le seguirá un viaje hasta Palm Jumeirah, una isla artificial que ha capturado la imaginación global gracias a su magnífica escala y genialidad. Habrá una parada fotográfica frente al lujoso Hotel Atlantis The Palm, lugar que cuenta con cámaras acuáticas sumergidas, ruinas inundadas y emocionantes atracciones acuáticas. Esta visita inolvidable finalizara en el zoco de Madinat Jumeirah, un mercado árabe vibrante y lleno de color. Las estrechas y serpentean callejuelas le conducirán través de un ambiente de bazar en la que muchas tiendas de frente abierto e íntimas galerías se extienden por los senderos pavimentadas, y donde el sonido de las artesanas trabajando se combina con los aromas de los cafés de a pie de calle y pequeños restaurantes. Alojamiento.
DIA 05 - DUBAI / (D)
Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Día libre para actividades personales, Alojamiento.
Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Mañana libre para disfrutar el hotel, Check Out y traslado a Abu Dhabi, Capital de los Emiratos, es el Manhattan del Medio Oriente y el centro administrativo del país, Abu Dhabi aún tiene mucho para descubrir. Viajando desde Dubái, a continuación, pasaremos por Jebel Ali y su Zona Franca – el puerto artificial más grande del mundo. Llegando a Abu Dhabi visitaremos la Mezquita Grande del Sheikh Zayed que es la tercera más grande del mundo con capacidad hasta 40 mil personas. Luego haremos un paseo por el magnífico Corniche que nos dará la oportunidad de tomar fotos de la isla artificial de "Lulú" desde el monumento a Vulcano. Veremos los monumentos símbolos de la cultura Árabe en la Plaza de la Unión. Continuaremos hasta llegar al final del "Rompeolas" para tomar fotos de una hermosa panorámica de Abu Dhabi, luego conoceremos "Marina Mall" un nuevo y lujoso centro comercial, pasaremos después por la zona de los palacios de la familia real. En esta ciudad de dramáticos contrastes, visitaremos la Heritage Village y pasaremos por el Hotel Emirates Palace, el más lujoso del mundo igualmente de 7 estrellas, a continuación, pasaremos por el gigante proyecto que está desarrollando la ciudad, Al Saadiyat Island, donde están construyendo sucursales de los museos más famosos del mundo. Entrada al museo de Louvre, regreso al hotel. Alojamiento.
Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Traslado con el bus del hotel hacia el parque de Ferrari, entrada general al parque, regreso al hotel. Alojamiento.
Desayuno buffet en el hotel. Mañana libre para actividades personales. Check Out a las 12:00 horas. Traslado al aeropuerto para tomar vuelo de salida.
*Excepto: *En las fechas de ferias y eventos en Dubái –Navidad y Año nuevo- cambian las tarifas- consultar fechas.
Tarjeta de asistencia médica durante todo el recorrido (cubrimiento de USD 60.000 por accidente o enfermedad no preexistente) por evento, aplica suplemento del 50 % para mayores de 76 a 85 años, esta tarjeta tiene seguro de cancelación incluido hasta 2000 USD.
Alojamiento en Dubái y Abu Dhabi hotel elegido con desayuno
Asistencia en el aeropuerto Internacional de Dubái
Traslado (aeropuerto-hotel-aeropuerto) y Traslado Dubái Abu Dhabi Dubái
Tour por Dubái antiguo, medio día en español
Abu Dhabi city tour en español
Entrada Bronce al parque Ferrari
Tour Dubái moderno en español
Entrada del mirador de Burj Khalifa
Entrada del acuario de Dubái
Safari por el desierto con cena incluida
Cena en el crucero dhow con traslado incluido
Tiquete Internacional e impuestos de tiquetes según itinerarios.
Propinas sugeridas según estándares internacionales: para guía y chofer USD 2 – 4 por pasajero por día. Para maletero USD 1 por maleta por cada servicio.
Actividades o conceptos no contemplados como servicios incluidos del viaje, tales como, almuerzos, cenas, souvenirs, llamadas locales y de larga distancia, guías de turismo, pólizas de seguros, excesos de equipaje y eventos deportivos o culturales.
Impuesto tourism dirham- 6 USD por habitación por noche en 5* y 4 USD por habitación por noche en 4*
DUBAI 5*+: Paramount Dubai, Sheraton Grand, V hotel curio collection.
La tasa de aeropuerto y el recargo por combustible se calculará nuevamente antes de emitir los tiquetes de vuelos internos
Pasaporte en perfecto estado por lo menos 6 meses de vigencia con respecto a la fecha de ingreso a los Países que visita y tener un mínimo cinco hojas en blanco
Cada pasajero puede llevar consigo hasta 9.999 dólares americanos en efectivo o su equivalente en otra moneda según la Resolución Externa No 6 de 2004 de la junta directiva del Banco de la República
*Excepto: *En las fechas de ferias y eventos en Dubái –Navidad y Año nuevo- cambian las tarifas- consultar fechas.
Last update: 27th May 2019
The acceptance of the privacy policy of Elite Travel & services (later called “Privacy policy”) is a necessary condition for using this service.
This “Privacy policy” regulates the recompilation, treatment, and usage of the personal and no personal information of the users of the service, since the date of entry into that appears in the header.
Elite Travel & services is going to ask always to the users before the using their data for any purpose other than those described in this Privacy Policy.
In the treatment of personal data of its users, Elite Travel & services complies at all times with current legislation, specifically (UE) 2016/679, of 14 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). To do this, they adopt the technical and organizational measures to prevent loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of personal data, given the state of technology access, the nature of the data and risks to which they are exposed.
• Collected information.
The service can be used for users by different ways, for example searching information of destinations or be a registered user, collecting different information in every case.
• Non registered user
In this case the service collects the IP address, and the following information of the user (later a “Non Personal Information”)
• Redirected by doing click in another website
• Storing cookies on the user’s computer hard drive. See our Cookie Policy for more information.
• Specific data of the device used by the user (for example, the model, version of the operative system, errors that are generated using the Service, which navigator is used, language, date an hour of the request, URL of reference, others…)
• Data of the user location using different technologies, for example GPS signals sends by a mobile phone, information through WiFi Acces, information on access points Wi-Fi antennas or nearest mobile telephony, among others. Always according to the privacy settings on your device.
• Moreover, Elite Travel & services uses Google Analytics, which is an analytic service owned by Google, Inc. residing in the United States with headquarters at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043 To provide these services, they use cookies that collect information, including the IP address of the user, which will be transmitted, processed and stored by Google on the terms set out in the web www.google.com. Including the possible transmission of such information to third parties for legal requirement reasons or where such third parties process the information on behalf of Google.
Anyway, you are able to disable these cookies of Google Analytics here (crear el hiperenlace)
• Registered user
Elite Travel & services
Every user has to indicate in the registration process: Name and last name, country, telephone number and e-maill. Then every user has to choose a password which confidentially has to keep.
The user who wants to book a trip using the Service has to indicate in addition: DNI or ID Card, date of birth, flight dates, transports, hotels or services hired and payment method.
Moreover, when you make a reservation for another person using Elite Travel & services, the software is going to ask about the personal information and preferences of the other person.
You must have permission from those other persons before providing their personal data and trip preferences
• Rights and purposes
Under the provisions of the Data Protection Act, we inform you that the completion of forms by the user is voluntary, although the failure to complete the required fields limits the access or use of the Service.
Personal information that users gives us are automatically incorporated and in the files owned by Elite Travel & services for future user request in order to meet all their needs, also to keep in touch with them via e-mail, to ask about the activity of the service and their services.
The User is allowed in every moment to perform its access rights, rectify or cancel their Personal Information sending an e-mail to info@elite-bookings.com
Here (poner hiperelenace) you will find different types to exercise such rights.
Elite Travel & services respects the confidentiality of the data collected in the file, and makes use of it in accordance with the purpose, to fulfill its obligation of custody and to take all necessary measures to prevent alteration, loss, or unauthorized access data, in accordance with the provisions of (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR"), The General Data Protection Regulation approving the Regulations implementing the data Protection Act is approved
To delete a User in Elite Travel & services, you have to contact with info@elite-bookings.com
• Minors
The service is focused on adults with full legal power to make use of the system. Minors are not authorized to use the Service.
If Elite Travel & services requires a User accreditation of age, and it is not satisfactory, Elite Travel & services reserves the right to terminate and cancel this user data
If the Service discovers any user who is a minor, this account is going to be closed immediately as its Personal and No Personal information deleted
• Use of data
Elite Travel & services is going to use data of its users for commercial, personalization, operational and statistical reasons
In this sense, we use the collected information to offer requested products and services; send confirmation and updates on your trip; manage your account; communicate with you in general; answer your questions and comments; prevent potentially prohibited or illegal activities and enforce our terms and conditions.
Elite Travel & services is going to use the user’s e-mail for the followings reasons, that the users accepts:
Sending newsletters, the User can cancel this service at any time.
Notifies service questions or user (for example, reset password)
Notify misconduct and, if necessary, report the suspension or withdrawal of the User account.
By accessing or using the service, user explicitly agrees to receive these emails, but may unsubscribe: a) specified in any communication link is sent via email or; b) sending an email to info@elite-bookings.com.
However, the user may not unsubscribe from our correspondence determined as messages concerning your account, the same security issues or the terms and conditions of service
Elite Travel & services may also use the Personal user Information as anonymous data to show to third parties. You can also share statistics and demographic information about users and their use of the Service with third parties, but none of this will enable those third parties to identify a user.
• Services suppliers and others.
There are others who manage part of the Service.
These others are obligated by Elite Travel & services to comply this Policy Privacy as applicable to them and also they must have their own. However, Elite Travel & services will not be responsible for compliance with this policy.
In some cases, Elite Travel & services could share, use, preserve or disclose the Personal Information to other, of non-aggregated form.
• To provide the Service
• Suppliers, as hotels providers, airlines or activities providers are used to compose the trip. In Elite Travel & services, all the services are provided by a third party provider and they are described as them. We recommend that to examine the privacy policy of every other who provides the service. Please note that these suppliers also may contact you as necessary to obtain additional information.
• Third party suppliers which provide services, including the processing of credits cars, commercial analytics, customer service or marketing. are able to collect and have access to the necessary information to act their functions, but they have no power to share or use this information for others ends.
• To cooperate with competent authorities
• We though that is currently necessary to satisfy every law or legal process from all around the world and we believe that if we do it our responsibility will be diminished. In any case, we only provide the information required.
• We believe that this kind of actions are appropriated to comply with the terms and conditions of Elite Travel & services, including any investigation of possible violations of them
• If its necessary to detect, prevent or otherwise address and prosecute fraud, security or technical issues related to Elite Travel & services
• If this action is according to protect the rights, property or security of Elite Travel & services, employers and users.
• We believe it is reasonably necessary to satisfy any law or on its own initiative or at the request of third parties who prove a legitimate interest.
In every way, if Elite Travel & services is part of a fusion, acquisition or another transaction which is related with the sale of all or some of its assets or securities with voting rights, User information, including Personal Information obtained through the Service, may be included in the transferred assets or securities. If this happens, your personal information will remain subject to this Privacy Policy.
7- Security measures
Elite Travel & services takes all necessary technical and organizational measures to protect the security and integrity of personal information against unauthorized access and against alteration, loss or accidental destruction
Thus, sending a data submission made by the user through the Service, for example when the payment is protected by techniques of electronic security in the network. Also, the information provided and stored in the databases of Elite Travel & services is also protected by security systems that prevent access to them by unauthorized third parties
Elite Travel & services makes its best efforts to provide the most updated for the effectiveness of these safety systems. In addition, Elite Travel & services stores Personal Information for as long as the rules allow, and periodically destroys it if no longer needed
Elite Travel & services cannot guarantee the absolute security of personal information, so the user must collaborate and use at all times and common sense on the Personal Information Publishing
The user must be aware that publishing the data will be its own responsibility. Elite Travel & services cannot guarantee that the published information will not be seen by unauthorized persons. You understand and acknowledge that, even after disposal, Personal Information may remain visible in cache or if other users have copied or stored Information
8- Changes of the Privacy Policy
We may update this Privacy Policy in the future.
We will inform you about material changes to this Privacy Policy by sending a notice to the email address you gave us and by placing a notice in a prominent location on our website
9- Contact
If you have questions about this Privacy Policy contact us at:
E-mail: info@elite-bookings.com
Phone: +39 02 39823621
Address: Via Ruggero Leoncavallo, 14 Milano - Italy
In addition, you can communicate directly with the travel provider phone number or address provided on your travel itinerary