Travel Cloud
Travel Cloud
From Verona to Siena in the footsteps of the romantic location of "Letter to Juliet..."
Preu per persona des de 621 €

From Verona to Siena in the footsteps of the romantic location of "Letter to Juliet..."

Des de
621 €
Preu per persona
Des de
621 €
preu per persona
From Verona to Siena in the footsteps of the romantic location of  "Letter to Juliet..."


It is the romance, the discovery of taste, the passion for good food and good wine to push the protagonists of the film "Letters to Juliet" to visit our beautiful country and in particular the city of Verona and the villages of Tuscany. This itinerary will follow the footsteps and locations of the famous film.

1Allotjaments previstos


Idiomes del guia


Dia 1: Verona

Dia 2: Verona

Dia 3: Verona

Dia 4: Verona, Siena

Dia 5: Siena


  • Car rental pickup in Verona release in Siena including insurance
  • 3 nights in hotel 3* in Verona including breakfast
  • Guided Tour of the Verona Arena
  • 1 lunch in a typical restaurant
  • Medical insurance - baggage


  • Lunches if not indicated under " the price includes"
  • Drinks with meals
  • Entrance to museums if not indicated under " the fee includes"
  • Extras of a personal nature

On request

Single and triple rooms on request

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